With over 25 years experience of providing compliant operating leasing solutions to Local Authority schools, UniLink will ensure that schools enter into competitive leases in a transparent manner. As the sector has evolved into the academy and MAT model, we have expanded our services to provide these much needed solutions to the academy sector.
With over 25 years experience in providing schools leasing solutions, we are well placed to ensure schools enter into Education compliant leases in a cost effective and transparent way. Since 1st April 2024 LEA Schools have been allowed to enter into leases that would have previously constituted borrowing, so long as the asset(s) being leased are on the approved list set out in the IFRS16
Maintained Schools Finance Lease Class Consent 2024. Loans & hire purchase arrangements remain non compliant, some of which are commonly offered by suppliers.
Typical equipment leased by schools is ICT and technology assets. Schools lease ICT for many reasons but spreading the purchase cost over the economic life helps cashflow and budgeting enabling the school to plan for future growth or equipment upgrade.
This principal extends to a range of equipment that schools purchase, a list of which are below.
Academy Trusts are subject to similar financial pressures as LEA schools. We can provide a comprehensive lease advisory solution for academy schools that ensures total transparency of cost and accounting compliance on new leases in line with the current ESFA Academies Financial Handbook. Academies have the same financial controls and compliance as LA grant maintained schools. Since 1st September 2024 Academies must also comply with the IFRS16 Maintained Schools Finance Lease Class Consent 2024, if they wish to use a lease that would have previously constituted borrowing. Loans & hire purchase arrangements remain non compliant, some of which are commonly offered by suppliers.
Multi Academy Trusts can achieve significant economies of scale both with their procurement costs for equipment but also with financing costs using a lease. Contact us to discuss.
Private schools do not have the same restrictions that state schools have in respect of finance arrangements and can utilise various options. However, many are charitable status and have different issues and pressures effecting finance choices such as VAT.
UniLink can assist private schools to structure finance arrangements that fit the individual needs of the school.